Friday, January 24, 2014

Giovanni Wellness Scalp Serum w/ Chinese Botanicals Review

I mentioned this product in my review of the Giovanni Wellness System Hair Elixir and as promised I'm here to review the scalp serum. This product suggest that you should use it only as needed because it is super potent. And that is the truth! You really only need a few drops of this in combination with a scalp massage and you're good to go. Because this is so potent I use this 3-4 times a week and massage into my scalp.  I picked this up at my local beauty supply for $9.99. I use this especially when I'm protective styling my hair, the dropper makes this ideal for getting the product in between my twist and onto my scalp without wasting product.

Like the Wellness Hair Elixir it also contains Chinese botanicals to help aid in hair growth and  overall health. 

  • An Mole, antioxidant & keeps hair elastic.
  • Hei Zhi Ma, soothes a dry itchy scalp.
  • Jia Ma Chi Xian, strengthens hair roots.
  • Mo Han Lian, strengthens &helps keep color. 
  • Wu Huan Zi, restores lustre.
  • Panax Ginseng, promotes healthy hair growth.
  • Mulberry Fruit, increases circulation to hair roots. 

The color is much like the other Wellness System products. The texture is very thick and the smell isn't the greatest it's very medicinal so I would suggest using this on your scalp at night so that the smell will be gone by the morning. This is the first product that I've tried is strictly an herbal blended serum, when I think of serums I think of Paul Mitchell Super Skinny serum or Chi Silk Infusions. I love this product I just hate the smell.  A few months ago I discovered a bald spot the size of a quarter on the right side of my head near my crown, I was devastated. When I visited my dermatologist I was told it was alopecia areata, which is curable. Alopecia Areata is a skin disease that can affect all hair bearing skin and is characterized by non-scarring hair loss. This form of alopecia is caused by an abnormality in the immune system. This abnormality in particular leads to autoimmunity, in turn the immune system attacks particular tissues in the body. The immune system is designed to protect the body from foreign threats such as bacteria and viruses. For unknown reasons a body's own immune system mistakenly attacks the hair follicles, the structure from which hair grows and will interrupt normal hair formation. 
I've been using this on my scalp for months consistently and I have noticed a difference what started out as small pieces of hair sprouting through the bald spot is now a full patch of hair. It's coming along slowly, but surely I have faith that by the summer of 2014 that section of my hair will be in good condition.

You can find this product at/on:
  • Local beauty supply
Check out their website for more info, Facebook and follow them on Twitter:
FBGiovanni Hair and Body Care
Tweet: @Giovannibrand

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